


What does July 2021 bring?

by Marisol Ruiz Velazco

The month of July is characterized by a certain tension and electricity in the environment.

During the last days of June and the first days of July, Mars and Venus will square Uranus in opposition to Saturn in Aquarius.  What can lead us to a need to impose our individuality in a decisive and overwhelming way? It is important to take care of making hasty decisions based on desired desires. It  is recommended to think before acting, not to get carried away by impulsiveness and the need for change. Expect surprises and the unpredictable. Beware of accidents and breakdowns in relationships. Take care of your finances.

In some places on July 9, in others on July 1, 0 we will have a new moon in Cancer. It can be used to create a new way of taking care of ourselves and others in a more conscientious way. The available energy will invite us to nurture and take care of ourselves with sustainability.

On July 11, Mercury will enter the sign of Cancer,  helping us think about issues in our home and family.  Our focus will be on family businesses and our roots. It will be making harmonic aspects with Jupiter, so we will feel that negotiations and communications that we had pending are unlocking.

It is a good time to meditate and harness that anger as creative energy, as well as the engine of what we want to attract in our life. The Sun will oppose Pluto; let us  take care of the tension that can be generated in our relationships and at the collective level.  Let us  take a deep breath and flow with life.

On July 21, Venus will enter Virgo so we can overanalyze our desires and she will bring us prudence to reevaluate what we saw very clearly in previous days. We will feel more empathy to put ourselves at the service of others.

On July 22, the Sun enters Leo, and then Mercury accompanies it on July 27, so we will feel an identification between our being and our thoughts.  It is important to understand that our individuality is shaped by our way of thinking, however, it has more components - it is not the only one.

In addition, on this same day Venus in Gemini will square Neptune retrograde in Pisces, so we can feel our desires clouded; it is not the time to make decisions.

On July 23, we will have the Full Moon in Aquarius. It is an excellent day to make a cash cut and evaluate how we have integrated the changes and the new routines generated from 2020 to date.

Jupiter will return to Aquarius, helping us to continue integrating the changes of the year.

On July 29, Mars enters Virgo, appeasing our need to show our individuality and leading us to review our routines and habits.

July will be a month full of ups and downs, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

I wish you an excellent month!

A hug from heart to heart.

Maar Sin Filtros

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